bigstock-Striped-Skunk--Mephitis-Mephi-2323089When you have a skunk problem, you usually know it. Mostly because of the stench. They are roughly 60-70 cm long when fully grown. Skunks are black, with one or two white horizontal stripes. Some species have white spots rather than stripes.

Skunks may carry rabies. In fact, they are the second most common mammal to have rabies in the US, the first being raccoons. If you see one acting strangely, disoriented, foaming at the mouth, or overly aggressive during the day, it may be rabid. Skunks are nocturnal and they breed in late winter, and birth occurs in early spring. They do not hibernate but instead are less active in the colder months. These omnivorous animals eat anything left out at night, such as pet food, garbage, et cetera. Skunks may eat plants in the garden, or damage the lawn while foraging. If a skunk eats near your home, it will most likely return for more.

 A skunk’s spray is a very oily, sulfuric, liquid that sprays from the tail up to 20 feet. The spray is extremely accurate at 10 feet or closer. It may cause temporary blindness if the spray hits the eyes. When sprayed in the face, asthmatics or people with other lung conditions may have difficulty breathing. Before spraying, the skunk will move around in a pattern, almost like a battle stance. The smell can linger in an area for days, which could be a factor in determining where the den of the skunk is. The odor can be removed with vigorous washing and removal of the source. The den of a skunk will usually have a 4-6 inch wide hole as an entrance, but it may be bigger, as they sometimes take over dens previously owned by other animals. They like to find dens under piles of rock or wood, under decks, in crawl spaces, under trees or stumps, hay and brush piles, and more. They may dig under the foundations of buildings in search of a new home. After removal of the skunks, measures must be taken for disinfecting and health reasons, which is provided by us.

We specialize in the humane removal of raccoons, rats, squirrels, and other pests in the New York/New Jersey area. For a complete inspection and evaluation please contact us or call us at 718-227-7227 and we will be happy to make an appointment at your convenience.