Bats are the type of animal that makes people feel uncomfortable. Some people may misunderstand information pertaining to the flying mammal, and take what they see about bats in movies or on TV as truth. Here we’ll discuss a few common fallacies and the reality behind each one. For one thing, bats are not flying rodents. While both rodents and bats are small mammals, bats are in a separate order entirely from any rodent. They also do not gnaw on the inner parts of your house, as rodents do. We have all heard the phrase “blind as a bat.” However, while they have weak eyesight, they can see pretty well, especially during the night. Bats utilize echolocation more than their vision, so the animal’s hearing is incredible. In fact, the phrase came from the way bats land after flying. Most species of bats have no ability to stop, so they sometimes crash-land. Bats are commonly thought to carry rabies. While they are hosts to many diseases, and their feces, otherwise known as guano, are a powerful carcinogen, less than 1 in every 1,000 bats carry rabies. Unlike the Vampiric movies, not all bats drink blood. Most of the ones that do live in Mexico. Another misconception brought up by movies is that bats commonly get tangled in people’s hair. In fact, bats are masters of evasion and navigation, so it is very rare that one will get caught on your head unless it is sick and/or injured. If a bat is flying around in cold climate areas in winter, it is not looking for insect nests, as some people may believe. The truth is, the bat probably has White-Nose syndrome. This is where a fungus grows on a bat’s nose and confuses it. It thinks that it is springtime. most bats that develop this fungus will die, both from the cold and lack of food. If there are bats in your attic, putting up a bat house won’t help. bats will not usually move their home unless they absolutely need to. Do not try and remove bats on your own. NYNJ Wildlife Removal can safely, humanely, and effectively remove all of the bats in your home. The areas in which the bats lived will be cleaned thoroughly to prevent sickness and disease. Then our professionals can refurbish any damage done to your home by the animals.