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Weather Fluctuations in the Winter

The end of this year has had surprising temperature changes in the New York/New Jersey area. From 80-degree weather in November to freezing rain the next week, only to go back to 60 degrees. While this weather fluctuation can be annoying to plan your days around, [...]

2024-12-16T12:01:09-05:00December 16th, 2024|Seasonal|Comments Off on Weather Fluctuations in the Winter

Wildlife Inspections After a Snowstorm

After a snowstorm hits, your home may be more vulnerable to animal invasion. Ice and snow can create opportunities for wildlife to enter your home. Below, we will discuss how. Habitat Disruption A snowstorm can shake things up outside of your home. Especially with strong winds [...]

2024-12-06T13:01:46-05:00December 6th, 2024|Seasonal|Comments Off on Wildlife Inspections After a Snowstorm

Apartment Buildings and Wildlife Prevention

If you own or manage an apartment complex or a multi-family property, it is important to prevent animal intrusion. Wild animals can wreak havoc on your property and can affect your residents. Overall, keeping critters out is vital for keeping things clean and preventing a bad [...]

2024-11-04T16:03:46-05:00November 11th, 2024|Wildlife Removal|Comments Off on Apartment Buildings and Wildlife Prevention

Do Ultrasonic Plug-Ins Work?

Not every pest control tool is made equal, and not all are as effective as advertised. Ultrasonic pest control plug-in devices are a common household device that may not be worth having. Generally, they are marketed to repel rodents, insects, and other pests. So why don’t [...]

2024-11-04T12:15:00-05:00November 4th, 2024|Wildlife Removal|Comments Off on Do Ultrasonic Plug-Ins Work?

Safe Practices For All Involved

Safety is the most important aspect of our jobs as humane wildlife removal specialists. We want to keep our clients, their families, our team, and the wild animals safe. As a humane removal company, we are dedicated to preserving the safety of all those involved. Because [...]

2024-10-21T13:37:37-04:00October 21st, 2024|Wildlife Removal|Comments Off on Safe Practices For All Involved

Pet Encounters With Wild Animals

Pet owners should always remain vigilant for threats to the health and safety of their furry family members. Encounters with wild animals in your neighborhood can create potentially dangerous situations for your cat or dog. Your pets should never be outside unattended. And if they are, [...]

2024-10-14T15:54:50-04:00October 14th, 2024|Wildlife Removal|Comments Off on Pet Encounters With Wild Animals

Geese In Migration Season

As the days get colder, geese will begin their migration south. Unfortunately for New York and New Jersey residents, it may mean more geese around our homes. Geese can stay in an area for a few days or weeks between flights. Even worse, some flocks may [...]

2024-10-02T10:11:42-04:00October 2nd, 2024|Seasonal, Wildlife Removal|Comments Off on Geese In Migration Season

What Attracts Rodents to Your Home?

Generally, rodents try to den where they can feel safe, dry, and well-fed. As urbanization continues, rodents have to adapt to their surroundings, and that means living among more humans. In New York and New Jersey, there is no escaping the reality of rats, mice, and [...]

2024-08-22T15:50:43-04:00August 22nd, 2024|Wildlife Removal|Comments Off on What Attracts Rodents to Your Home?

Animal Removal in Your Restaurant

Restaurants that have animal intruders can face extreme consequences in their health ratings, and could also contribute to outbreaks of diseases and illnesses in their community. Below, we will discuss some of the most common ways that wild animals can affect your restaurant. Pathogen Contamination in [...]

2024-08-09T16:45:38-04:00August 9th, 2024|Wildlife Removal|Comments Off on Animal Removal in Your Restaurant
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