When looking for a new home, buyers often look for signs of termites; but what about other animals? Below, we will discuss signs of damage that animals can leave behind in a home.
Why Is it Important to Look for Signs of Wild Animal Damage
It is important when buying a home that you can tell if it has had a wild animal problem in the past, and what that can mean for the home in the future. If the home has had a pest problem in the past, you should check with the owner or real estate agent to ensure that the animals have been resolved and that the affected area was properly cleaned and repaired. Professional cleaning is vital to ensure that the space is free of any bacteria or parasites carried by intruding animals. Repairing damage from an animal invasion is important to ensure that other animals don’t find their way in.
Before buying a home, it is important to get inspected for any potential issues. But knowing the signs to look out for yourself can go a long way in your decision-making process.
Rodent Damage
Mice, rats, and squirrels can be a major issue, especially in urban areas. Rodents can cause damage throughout the home, including creating fire hazards, electrical issues, or drafts in the insulation. Most rodents carry a host of diseases, especially rats. Rodents tend to gnaw their way through walls and make smaller, pre-existing holes larger. They may tunnel through insulation, or chew on support beams. Rodents may also chew on electrical wires. This can at best, disrupt electrical outlets. At worst, it can cause a fire.
Signs of rodent infestation can include holes in the walls, roof, or floors; brown stains from the oils of rodent fur; droppings; gnawed wires or beams; or gaps in insulation.
Pigeons are an issue for many homeowners. Pigeon waste can be corrosive to your roofing. They tend to roost on the roofs of homes or in chimneys. They may make use of vent ducts or gutters in the home for nesting. Flocks of pigeons resting on the gutters can cause damage to the eaves of the home or break them off entirely. While not as common as outdoor roosting, sometimes they will attempt to roost in sheds or attics. The most obvious sign of pigeon problems in a home is evidence of feces or nests. Fecal matter can leave white or green stains over time. Bird feces are also quite corrosive. It can eat away at the material it is left on. Overall, pigeon feces can ruin roofs, siding, garden beds, and walkways if left alone.
Raccoon Damage
Raccoons can be a lot of trouble for homeowners. They love camping out under decks, patios, or in sheds. But, they can easily make their way into an attic or crawlspace. They can be a huge problem in and around the house. They like to dig through trash and are adept at opening garbage cans. Raccoons have been known to tear up boxes and bags in an attic and make nests out of the scraps of clothing or items in them. Raccoons can also hunt for fish kept in outdoor ponds such as koi or goldfish. They may also make use of your pool and can leave fecal parasites in the water. Raccoons are one of the most common carriers of rabies, which can pose a threat to people or pets that come into contact with them.
Damage to trash cans, under a deck or patio space, or in the attic can indicate raccoons. Raccoon claws have 5 toes, as opposed to cats, which have 4. This may help you see if scratch marks were made by a pet or a raccoon.
Bats are a homeowner’s nightmare. They may break into attics and sheds and can squeeze through small breaks in the roof or eaves to gain access to your home. Like rats, bats leave brown oil stains when they squeeze their way into a home. Bats can cause damage to the beams in an attic with their claws as they hang. Guano can be a severe issue for homeowners. It is dust-like and carries many parasites that can become airborne when disturbed. These parasites can persist without proper cleaning and can infect people or animals living in the home below the bat colony.
Many bats in New York and New Jersey are endangered. For homeowners, removal has to be done safely, by professionals. Otherwise, the homeowner can incur fines or legal issues. NY/NJ Wildlfie Removal Inc. is NWCOA Bat Standards Certified in the handling of protected species.