As we draw closer to September, it is important to consider how your backyard should be defended against critters. Wild animals such as raccoons, squirrels, skunks, and more could be looking for a new place to den for the winter. As summer activities dwindle and make way for autumn, it is important to make sure that your backyard doesn’t become a safe haven for wildlife.

Cleaning Up The Yard

A messy or unkempt yard gives wild animals a number of places to hide. Trim bushes and shrubs remove potential sheltering. Clear out debris piles, such as stick bundles or leave piles, which can make for an easy den. Stow unused lawn furniture and cushions for the cold seasons.

Maintenance and Repairs

Close off the space under your deck or patio, or inspect them for damage. Check your shed for damage, including cracks that smaller animals can take advantage of. This includes ensuring that the foundation around your shed is sturdy and undamaged. Fixing these issues can help prevent further damage caused by wild animals and/or weather.

Check for Signs of Animal Activity

When inspecting your property, look for signs that wild animals may be living on your property. This may include burrow holes, garden damage from animals, structural damage caused by animals, and more. If you see signs that wild animals may be living on your property, call a professional wildlife removal company. Hiring a humane wildlife removal company can help you ensure that your property can be cleared of unwanted animal intruders and that the proper cleanup and repairs are taken care of after exclusion.

We specialize in the humane removal of raccoons, rats, squirrels, and other pests in the New York/New Jersey area. For a complete inspection and evaluation please contact us or call us at 718-227-7227 and we will be happy to make an appointment at your convenience.