Trimming the trees on your property can be a real pain, but it can help reduce the risk of animal intruders. Long tree branches can provide cover, access, and even create damage that allows for animals to intrude on your home. This article will cover how animals can use close or overhanging branches to access your home.

Trimming Overhanging Branches

For many animals, overhanging branches can act as a bridge to your roof. Squirrels, raccoons, and even snakes can make use of overhanging branches to jump or drop onto the roof. This provides easy access to chimneys or attics. Some branches that come close enough can be used to jump over, even if it doesn’t hang over the roof. Be sure to trim back branches where animals can easily jump over. While it may be hard to completely stop a squirrel from making the jump, wider gaps can be efficient deterrents.

Scratching Branches

Tree limbs that hit your home can create serious damage over time. Branches can scrape away at the siding of your home, creating exploitable openings for critters. Opportunistic rodents like rats and squirrels can gnaw at damaged areas to create wider openings. If a branch is scraping the roof or side of your home, it is a good idea to cut it back.

Tree Limbs and Your Gutters

Trees can do serious damage to the gutters, but they can also fill them up too. Leaves, seeds, pollen, and other debris can fill up gutters and clog them. Additionally, debris can weigh down the gutters, causing further damage to your home. Heavy gutters can damage the eaves of your home, which can provide entrances for pest animals. By trimming branches away from your home, you reduce the risk of damage.

We specialize in the humane removal of raccoons, rats, squirrels, and other pests in the New York/New Jersey area. For a complete inspection and evaluation please contact us or call us at 718-227-7227 and we will be happy to make an appointment at your convenience.