When you have a skunk problem in or around your home, the stink from it’s spray can be a real problem. There are a number of ways to deal with the foul odor of a skunk’s spray. Here are a few ways that can help you get rid of the sulfurous smell of skunk.

Wash Pets Outside

Pets are often the victims of skunk attacks. Dogs are unfortunate repeat victims, as they seem to forget not to scare the skunk. Keep pets on a leash when outdoors, and do not leave pets unattended. Pets that are sprayed by a skunk should be cleaned thoroughly outside, before being let back into your home. You don’t want the smell permeating through the house. Most pet shampoos can be effective. If the smell persists, mix 6 parts water to 1 part vinegar, and wash your pet with this mix, before shampooing them again.

Spray on your Skin

If you are sprayed by a skunk, try not to go inside. If you are indoors, stand in the shower to reduce mess and the spread of the odor. Get another family member to retrieve this mixture. Wear rubber gloves for this. Mix 1 quart of hydrogen peroxide, 1/2 cup of baking soda, and 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid into a container, and stir with a spoon. Use a sponge or washcloth, and work the mix into a lather before applying to the skin. Apply to the skin, and let it sit on your skin for at least 5 minutes, or until it stops bubbling. Shower and wash yourself thoroughly. If the odor persists, re-apply the mixture, and then shower again, until the smell is gone. Do not cover the solution, as it can pressurize and explode. Instead, dilute it with water, and dump it down the shower drain.

Wash All Clothes That Have Been Sprayed

Skunk smell is not something that should be left in the hamper for later. Wash all clothes that have been affected by skunk spray; including the ones worn while washing a sprayed pet. To get rid of skunk smell from clothes, soak clothes in 1 part household ammonia to 6 parts water for 30 minutes; before machine-washing with a heavy-duty detergent. This will break down the oils of the musk. Repeat as needed until clean and odor free. Additionally, you can use a solution of 1 part hydrogen peroxide, 1 part baking soda, and 6 parts water. This solution requires a longer soak (about 1 hour). Line-dry outside if possible Be careful not to use detergents containing bleach. When ammonia mixes with bleach, toxic fumes are produced.

Carpet, Upholstery, and Camping Equipment

Many surfaces in the home, the inside of your car, or a camping tent, can’t be washed as easily as a t-shirt. If skunk spray affects some of these surfaces, you can try your best to clean them. Mix one of the above solutions, and scrub the affected area with a sponge. Blot repeatedly to remove the oils and excess moisture. Then rinse with plain water. Allow the area to air dry away from direct heat. Vacuum when dry. If the affected area is too large to be handled by you, or if the smell persists after a few tries; consult a professional upholstery or carpet cleaner.

If the Smell Persists in the Home

When the smell of skunk is in the house, odor molecules can enter the air vents. Replace air vent filters to prevent odor molecules from persisting. You should also replace the vacuum filter after treating the carpet or upholstery for spray.

Skunks in the Home

If the skunk has entered your home, hire a professional and humane wildlife removal service to remove the animal, and to clean the area inhabited by the animal. Skunks are known to hide away in attics and crawl spaces. Do not attempt to remove wild animals from your home yourself.

We specialize in the humane removal of raccoons, rats, squirrels, and other pests in the New York/New Jersey area. For a complete inspection and evaluation please contact us or call us at 718-227-7227 and we will be happy to make an appointment at your convenience.