While the chipmunks we see on TV might be cute and cuddly (and sing), the real ones can be problematic for homeowners. Chipmunks are small rodents that can do a lot of damage to homes and gardens.
Chipmunks do not hibernate in the winter, but instead enter a state of torpor, which is a shorter sleep cycle where the chipmunk sleeps more than usual, but is still active. During the winter time and into the spring, chipmunks prepare to mate and try to secure their burrows from the colder climate.
Chipmunks are expert climbers, but they also can very easily dig and go underground. Like moles and groundhogs, these rodents will often create extensive tunnel systems. Chipmunks are known to feed from bird feeders and gardens. Gardens infested with chipmunks will often have signs of gnawed on plants, bulbs dug up, and seeds taken away.
It is common for chipmunks to enter a person’s home through damage to the foundation, eaves, siding, or roof. They could nest in the crawlspace or attic with relative ease, often tearing up and moving insulation to build a warm base. Chipmunks may also dig through insulation to make tunnels in the walls of your home. This can cause drafts and can waste money and energy from your heating unit. Chipmunks are also known to chew through wires, which can create fire hazards.
You may hear chattering and chirping if you have chipmunks invading your home. That is one of the more common ways that homeowners discover they have a group of them living in their home; especially in the spring after the the next set of offspring have been birthed.

We specialize in the humane removal of raccoons, rats, squirrels, and other pests in the New York/New Jersey area. For a complete inspection and evaluation please contact us or call us at 718-227-7227 and we will be happy to make an appointment at your convenience.