When dealing with an animal on your property, you might call animal control or a wildlife removal specialist. But what’s the difference? And when do you call one over the other? Below, we will discuss each option, and help you determine which is best for your situation.
What is Wildlife Removal?
A wildlife removal company provides a service of safely removing a wild animal from a property. Generally, wildlife removal companies only work with select wild animal species and have training for handling such critters. As such, they do not handle dogs or cats, including strays or feral ones. Rats, raccoons, bats, squirrels, mice, skunks, snakes, moles, voles, pigeons, and more are the purview of a wildlife removal company. Usually, you would call a wildlife removal company when a wild animal invades your home or property and/or poses a threat to the people living there.
What is Animal Control?
Animal control is a government service that protects domestic animals in your community. Local animal control officers are often trained in veterinary service or law enforcement. Generally, animal control officers handle only domesticated animals, including feral or stray pets.
Services of a Wildlife Removal Company
Overall, a wildlife removal company will solve a wild animal problem in a few steps. These are inspection, removal, repairs, and prevention. First, the specialist will inspect the home for signs of wild animal invasion. Then, they will trap and remove the critters from your property. Next, they will sanitize and repair affected areas. Lastly, they will take prevention measures within those repairs to limit the chance of further animal encounters. These services help owners deal with wild animals in their homes or commercial properties.
What Does Animal Control Do?
Animal control handles mainly strays and aggressive or sick domestic animals. A wildlife removal company will not handle dogs, cats, or other pet animals. But animal control will. They can also investigate potential animal abuse and neglect cases. They also offer low-cost vaccination, sterilization, and adoption procedures for pets. They can also be called when you suspect an animal is rabid, or has been bitten by a rabid animal.
Generally, the best way to understand the difference between the two services is that Wildlife removal deals with wild animals, and animal control handles mainly domestic ones. Wildlife removal services are offered by private companies, while animal control is a public service. NY/NJ Wildlife Removal Inc. is a humane wildlife removal service. We use humane practices to capture, exclude, and relocate problematic wild animals from private properties.